“There are these moments, in everyone’s life that longs for a deeper connection within themselves, whether it is more joy, more love, more peace, more bliss. These moments sometimes come as a crisis, sometimes as a gentle whisper from the soul, sometimes from being in a sad or difficult place, sometimes by pure fate or a push from their loved ones leading them there. Whatever the reason that has brought you to the journey of finding yourself, once embarked, living in your authentic self is the reward.

I came to the retreat not knowing what would come of it, all I knew was I had a pull to go. I was welcomed into the most tranquil villa, so spacious, so beautiful, so peaceful, so sacred. I immediately felt safe. The staff greet you every morning with such joy and warmth. Shelly, fully gives everything she has to you in your group sessions with her. She is 100% committed to your journey and if you surrender to the process you can be assured she pulls you out the other side, and the other side is so beautiful.

The inner peace that came from this retreat for me is priceless. I am so greatful for the retreat that energetically freed me from the chaos that was going on inside.

My experience was so unique and so magical, I will cherish it forever. For this was the time in my life where I came home to myself, I found myself and I loved it. What greater gift can one be led to? Bliss.”