Remote Healing

For Individuals

These online-sessions will be done via WhatsApp, and are only available to existing clients.

In Shelly’s words……….

For myself, my personal experience of doing these guided phone sessions, feels as if I am sitting as close with each person as if we were sitting together In the sacred spaces of my work rooms.

The empathic connection is equally as strong, and I am able to tap into into the subconscious mind, feel into the emotional energy of each client, and connect with the emotional energy blocks are held within their physicality, and body-mind energy field. This actually initially took me by surprise, as this is exactly how it is feels for me when I am working in person.

Prior to March 2020, Shelly did phone appointments that were essentially in general, a phone consultation, a combination of spiritual advice and some energy healing, or simply a listening ear.
Following a call to respond to the global situation, and in search for a solution to continue to hold space for people, Shelly spent most of the month of March in retreat and solitude, meditating, praying and immersing in deep personal healing.

This personal vertical vibrational shift in Shelly, enabled her to work from a much higher frequency resonance, which in turn enabled her to completely connect and tune into the energy and emotions of each client with the same level of intensity, and accuracy as she did in physical proximity.

I recently had a distance healing phone consultation with Shelly and wanted to express my thanks as it was exactly what I was needing. I was both grateful and surprised at just how connected I felt to Shelly during the session, despite being geographically so far away. At the start of the phone call, I was seated at my desk, tense, with my head going a million miles a minute, having been troubled by something for a number of weeks. By the end of the phone call, I was huddled up into a cosy ball on the floor of my office, tears streaming down my face, just as if Shelly was with me in person. She was able to assist me to journey inward and feel a deep connection to my inner child, giving me the clarity and peace that I needed so deeply at that time. I was so relaxed and peaceful by the end of the call that I think I said goodbye in a whisper. I will definitely be booking in again soon.

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