“Yesterday I received a body work session from Shelly, and it truly was one of the most profound healings of my life. The depth Shelly guided me to, is what I can only describe as a depth similar to a VERY DEEP plant medicine journey. The trauma and pain from not only this life time, but from previous life times, was released out of my body as I journeyed to being totally out of my body, in a whole other dimension of my soul / higher self. Witnessing and feeling fear, trauma and what I can only describe as utter darkness, that has kept me distorted and disconnected to love, FINALLY left my body.

Shelly was like an angel, working with other angels, in other realms, as she worked on my body. I had no control over all the movements of my body, as it spiraled, shook, and mudras of another dimensions language, communicated through me, as it worked with Shelly to remove the density from me. It was the most surrendered I have ever been, and that’s truly thanks to Shelly because of the safety she provides, and the fact that it’s quite obvious she’s working with these higher dimensions of healing love.

I honestly can’t recommend more. I’ve already decided I want to keep receiving them more often, as it’s just quite indescribable how deep and profound the experience is.”