“I was part of a learning group with a mediumship circle when Energetic Freedom came up, a friend from the circle had tagged me in a FB post advertising the monthly Bali Retreat – I googled, read a little, spoke to my friend who had seen Shelly previously before booking a private session with Shelly & also a spot on the retreat.

I went into this with no expectations, no clue of what to except, no knowledge of how Shelly operated.

The private session with Shelly was a week before I flew to Bali for The Bali Retreat. I met Shelly & felt an instant bond, I got good vibes off of her 💕. We sat & chatted for a few minutes before the healing, it was intense, but afterwards I felt like a huge internal weight was gone, I was emotionally drained but felt fantastic & was excited to be heading to Bali.

The Bali Retreat I attended with my close friend, as chance would have it Linda & I were the only two booked in – obviously meant to be that way.

It was fantastic to be greeted by Shelly & her wonderful staff on our arrival in Bali. The week we spent together was nothing short of amazing, our daily healings, sessions with Shelly, our massages, surf lessons were all balanced to work to cleanse our souls.

Then we had the Besakih Temple Day – What a magical place that is. The energy that surrounds & is within the temple is beautiful. We received blessings while in the temple & healings from the Mangku & Shelly while they worked together.

An exhausting wonderful week, learning so much, letting go of so much that I was holding in.

The things I learnt I try to continually use in my life everyday…..I’ve booked for my next retreat & would highly recommend Shelly & her fabulous team 💜💙”