

“Shelly is truly connected.

She offers a safe space to catapult through your deepest fears, emotional blockages and conditions very quickly.

Her Authentic Leadership Workshop was intuitive and divinely guided. Shelly listened to the group and met us exactly where we were. Whilst supporting us to propel into our path of purpose.

The session was raw, deep, honest and powerful. Not for the faint-hearted. If you’re ready and called to Shelly, there will be a reason. Say yes!

Thank you, Shelly and team. A very sacred offering for which i am so grateful.”

– JD-Authentic Leadership Workshop, 03/12/21

“I was told about Shelly through mates and i had her number for about 6 weeks before intrigue got the better of me. I dropped her a message and luckily i got an appointment the following week, as in busier times i know she can have a waiting list of up to 6 months.

The experience i can only say is a bizarre therapy with lots of primal child like crying and wailing. I am not particularly spiritual, but i was taken aback by what shelly saw in my soul and she was right on point when figuring out the energy that i held such pain within me, and was holding me back.

I have shifted so much already within my life regarding my family, my relationships and my career. Feeling lighter and more positive…. This is something i have never experienced before and never thought was possible to be honest.

I am so grateful to Shelly and her team for the after care and correspondence throughout. Thank you so much, keep us the fantastic work.”

– Jess, 12/11/2021

“Yesterday was powerful beyond words!

In all 20 years of seeing healers, i have never been able to release in any way like that. It was a full “exorcism” and i am quite raw, but relieved by feeling like a lot was faced.

I am in awe at how Shelly is able to assist in opening that space, that not even plant medicine could, to hold that kind of space of trust and that enable me to do that depth of work that i was ready for.”

– Jaclyn, 08/01/2021

“I had been looking for a good healer for a long time before i had my first session with Shelly. With “good” i meant someone who could help me heal for real, i wasn’t interested in temporary shifts and changes. I was disappointed most of the time as lots of healers didn’t live up to their promising words.

I wanted to wait before sharing my experience with Shelly, as I was curious to see if the changes I felt (beginning after our very first session) would stay. And they stayed, and have only become deeper.

I can’t describe with words how grateful i am to the work Shelly is doing, the transformation i feel is everything I’ve ever longed for.

It’s not for the faint hearted though, as you need a deep willingness to face all your “stuff”. Shelly isn’t doing that for you, but with you. The truth about yourself, the ugly and the beautiful, will be fully embraced and therefore transformed.”

– L.F, 12/11/2021

“I recently had a distance healing phone consultation with Shelly and wanted to express my thanks as it was exactly what I was needing. I was both grateful and surprised at just how connected I felt to Shelly during the session, despite being geographically so far away.

At the start of the phone call, I was seated at my desk, tense, with my head going a million miles a minute, having been troubled by something for a number of weeks. By the end of the phone call, I was huddled up into a cosy ball on the floor of my office, tears streaming down my face, just as if Shelly was with me in person.

She was able to assist me to journey inward and feel a deep connection to my inner child, giving me the clarity and peace that I needed so deeply at that time. I was so relaxed and peaceful by the end of the call that I think I said goodbye in a whisper. I will definitely be booking in again soon.”

– L.E, 15/04/2020

“Over the past few years of trying to heal, I have tried many people but never have I experienced anything like I have today.

I walked in feeling like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders, and walked out feeling a tonne lighter.

Shelly is the real deal. She tells it how it is and doesn’t sugar coat what you need to hear.

I look forward to my healing journey.”

– Sophia, 27/02/20

“At the end of last year, I had the most special trip to the Mother temple in Bali. Besakih temple is the largest temple in Bali and situated on the slopes of Mount Agung, the largest volcano on the Island. All temples on the island point towards here. It is a very powerful and spiritual place.

I was blessed to be guided through this journey with Shelly Towns and the Mangku. We were taken through the temple with each part being explained to us and wisdom being shared from Mangku.

Click the link to read the rest of Nicola’s review with photos: https://www.iamnicolajoan.com/2020/03/sacred-healing-at-besakih-temple-bali.html”

– Nicola Joan, 07/03/2020

“I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you sooo very much for your help.

I saw you on Monday for my first ever healing with you. From every essence of my being I would like to thank you for giving me my freedom. I have never felt so free and alive as I do right now.”

– Nelly, November 2019

“I’ve met with Shelly twice now. One personal session and the temple tour. Each time I have left with such insight, calmness, and love.

Shelly really is an angel on earth with such a beautiful gift. Holding space for people and healing them in a way I have never experienced before.

I am so grateful for having met Shelly and to have her in my life, to go to when needed.

I recommend anyone who feels called to visit Shelly, she is truly amazing.”

– Nikki, October 2019

“I feel loose, my inner child wanted to be heard.  The energy shifted from my feet, to my knees, to my sacral/root chakra (which was very blocked). 

My spine held onto so much emotion and pain as a young child, up until now, resulting in a physical deformation (what we know as scoliosis, and as a young child I got scoliosis surgery). Shelly sensed the “twist” in me prior to knowing I had scoliosis surgery.
She assisted in moving the energy which was stored in my hips, back, and neck all these years, and sending it out.

I felt the energy move through my body as I breathed and cried out with forgiveness. Feeling the stagnant energy exit my physical body and allowing love to enter and live inside of me and most importantly, give love to my inner child who’s been unheard/ shying away from the pain all these years.

I woke up the next day feeling loose and reborn. What used to crack and cramp in my spine and neck seemed to have diminished.

Thank you spirits for being present to allow me to experience such a deep healing process, and thank you Shelly for holding space and channeling your divine gifts to this world.

I have much clarity now and I am open to dive deeper when divine time permits! I love you sister!! xx”

– Danii, September 2019

“Having done many energy retreats with Shelly, Pendulum Day is by far one of my favourites. I love how such a simple item in the right hands, effectively highlights the imbalances in my body/energy field which always seem to uniquely correlate with what is going on for me in my life at that time.

Sharing this process in a workshop environment is a unique opportunity to witness the awe we each experience as the process unfolds.

The way that Shelley teaches how to understand not only what the pendulum is doing, but why it is doing it, is very enlightening. It is comforting to watch how that effectively guides Shelly through the process of releasing the blockages which are prohibiting free flowing energy through the chakras. To see a complete turn in my energy field (and others) after the energy release is not only great validation of how energy works, but was also akin to watching a magic trick right before my eyes!”

– ES, 05 July 2019

“I don’t know how to put everything that happened in that hour and a half into words.

All I know is that Shelly has given me one of the greatest gifts I have ever received. She has given me clarity and ownership over power in my life, whereas before I felt I was always the victim.

She set me free from burdens that were unimaginably heavy, in such a supportive way that I felt like I was with a loved one the entire session.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I can’t wait to dive deeper into myself and this human experience with someone who is SO GIFTED and in tune.

It has also so refreshing to work with such an organized team who go above and beyond to provide details and support.”

– Naomi, November 2018

“I was fortunate to have a healing with Shelly earlier this year, and it was a truly incredible experience.

Being a qualified reiki practitioner and having been on my own path of spiritual development for many years, I thought I had seen/experienced a good amount of healing and what was possible. I now know that I had only scratched the surface.

Shelly is a profoundly amazing healer, and it really felt to me like she put her whole being into my journey when she did the session with me. I didn’t know healing like that existed. I felt myself journey back to a specific time of trauma, but this time I was not alone. I felt like Shelly went back there with me, and stayed with me supporting me while I found the way out, if that makes sense. Trauma is indeed felt as its released, but you won’t take this journey alone.

During the session I felt very safe and held, and even though it was an intense experience, I felt very in control. It takes a great deal of courage to revisit and heal past trauma’s, to be willing to experience something again in order to release it.

I’m proud of my own courage, and so very grateful for the endless courage and pure love Shelly must have in her heart to take this journey with so many.”

– Linda, May 2018

“A life changing and real experience:

Although some ‘retreat’ style elements are included in this experience, the word retreat isn’t something I would call this overall event. The work with Shelly is powerfully dynamic, filled with raw emotion, and not for the faint hearted.

I can thank this experience for allowing me to clear some of my blocks, and finally start to see truth in my life and its direction.

I am so grateful that Shelly has shared her incredible gift with me, and the energy she has put into this unique experience.

A massive thank you to Shelly and her team. I hope I get the opportunity for further experiences with you.”

– B McMillan, December 2017

“I cannot thank Shelly enough – she is a gifted and extraordinary individual. There is a perfect balance in the program between healing, relaxing and fun activities.

By the end of the week I felt a lot healthier, lighter, happier and more flexible! It was such a rejuvenating, uplifting and empowering week. I would recommend anyone to treat themselves to this beautiful and enlightening experience. Thanks again.”

– Meg, July 2017

“Hi Kerry and Shelly!

The Energetic Freedom Retreat has quite literally, and very significantly, changed my life. I tried to go in with no expectations, but even my secret expectations were blown out of the water.

I have engaged in many healing modalities, and nothing has had the impact that Shelly and this retreat have had.

My main issue was an intense block to my personal power and connection with my authentic self. I could never have gotten to the root of that without the work I did with Shelly and my beautiful retreat partners.

It is incredible how life has moved with me and for me since i discovered this and reconnected with my true self. I have left a disempowering work situation that was having a profoundly negative effect on me personally, within two weeks of coming home from the retreat. You should know I was in this situation for 9 years, and intended to kick on for many more. I am in the process of creating the next thing, my own thing, my own, unique contribution to the world. And I have no real fear of this uncertain time, only joy and excitement.

It was more frightening to see myself trapped in an old pattern, than to leap off the cliff and move to the next right thing.

Thank you Shelly for an incredible experience, and for helping me to find my way home.”

– Anonymous, April 2017

“I am forever grateful to how Shelly has helped me to learn how to continually learn, and to strive for my ultimate happy. With the abundance of unconditional love and support she gives (including tough love too!), Shelly creates a safe and secure environment that enables me to let go of the darkness and let the light in.

I’ve had a colourful past and without my regular appointments, I am sure I wouldn’t be where I am today without the lovely Shelly.

A couple of years ago, I did my first retreat in Bali. Wow, it was so awesome to work with people going through similar core issues and that retreat was life changing.

I went in feeling like I was in a big black hole and came out shining. I think that’s how most of my retreats have been. Except the last one, my fourth retreat. I was so excited, I felt like it was going to be huge for me and it was. Perfectly constructed retreats, to get you in your body and feeling – yoga, massages, group workshops, healings, even surfing (never thought I’d do that!), amazing food, beautiful staff and support crew.

The work is hard, but so worth it – you will thank yourself forever! So much easier to let go than hang on to bad energy. It is Energetic Freedom!

I couldn’t recommend one of Shelly’s retreat’s as part of your growth enough, couple it with regular sessions with Shelly and wow – you will feel amazing!”

– Anonymous, March 2017

“Dear Kerry and Shelly,

I am very proud that I did attended October retreat with Shelly.

This was just what the doctor ordered to say.

I had just finished doing a 122km walk on the Camino in Spain long fight and walked in the door and Shelly picked up straight away that I came with a heavy heart and this is exactly what is happening in my life, especially as I have a very ill husband and it does break my heart seeing him going through his journey.

My journey started the next morning with yoga, and then sessions with Shelly over the next few days, with massages on some afternoons, and on the last day to the temple, which is an exceptional experience.

My experiences with Shelly has been over many years now, and I have seen how much she has grown in her amazing abilities and talents.

And it was me who had a major shift and transformation. My body had quite a few energy blockages and with Shelly’s intuitive knowledge she was able to help release a lot of this energy, physical, mental and especially emotional.

The power of Shelly working alongside of Mangku at the Besakih Temple, well words cannot describe these experiences. I feel so lucky and blessed.

For since returning home, life seems more in flow and more synchronicity. Thank you 😊

I myself cannot wait until I can come again. In just a few short days how you can remove so much stuff stuck in your energy and energy fields is phenomenal.

All staff are very helpful and are always there to please, so to all thank you.

I even had a go at surfing 🏄 which I really didn’t consciously want to do, but I gave it a go, as I do in life and maybe next time I will be able to stand up on the surf board, so out of my comfort zone.

I am so happy and grateful for being at this retreat, and would highly recommend it to anyone who wants change in their life.
Sometimes not always the change we want, but for our souls growth, and there is some pain to attain gain.

Many blessings and gratitude from my heart ❤️
Thank you.”

– RS, October 2016

“Every aspect of the Soul Revive retreat in Bali was like being wrapped in a soft, warm blanket of love and healing.

Shelly was truly in her element, and the cumulative and profound effect of the daily sessions with her cannot be over stated. They were, quite simply, life changing. On top of that, the team of people Shelly has gathered to her to provide services such as yoga, meditation, driving, cooking and over-seeing the Villa are truly delightful, eager to please, and so easy to be with.

The retreat culminated in a powerful temple tour and healing with Shelly and the Mangku. What an extraordinary privilege to surrender to the compassion and healing energy of these two loving and attuned human beings in such an ancient and sacred setting.

Commit to yourself, commit to love, commit to healing, and get your soul to Bali!”

– KN, September 2016

“A friend once said to me he was just waiting to die and that he felt this life was just a stepping stone to his next life. I remember thinking how sad that was and not being able to understand it.

That was until I found myself thinking the same way.

When my sister invited me to join her at Shelley’s retreat, I must admit I was struggling to justify spending that kind of money. Another retreat to “find myself” seemed futile. Experience proved that finding Me was proving to be harder than finding Nemo! I went because a series of misfortune meant that 1, I was able to afford it and 2, I was not currently working.

I believe now that those ‘misfortunes’ were indeed the Universe’s way of ensuring I didn’t miss out! With a completely holistic and nurturing approach Shelley and her amazing team were able to start cracking through my barriers.

Unless you have experienced one of Shelley’s retreats, it is so very hard to describe. Set in a very spiritual and calm environment, myself and the other four participants began our retreat. Each person had their own journey and therefore had a different experience. I feel we were all destined to be together, because the therapy (especially the laughter) and support amongst ourselves only enhanced the work we were doing with Shelly. I loved that the retreat was a combination of therapies that complimented each other to achieve amazing results.

For me, however, it is just the start of my journey, and it is a journey I intend to continue. I have had so many moments of clarity and realisation since my return home. I feel I finally have some direction. I don’t know exactly what I will end up doing or when, but I know where I’m heading….and for me that is worth every cent I spent and more!!

The value on that type of calm is priceless. It turns out finding Me is proving to be just as adventurous and rewarding as finding Nemo!

To Shelly and her team, and to my fellow retreat buddies…….

Thank You.”

– DP, July 2016

“Thank you for my 2nd incredible session. I have been involved in many aspects of personal development for the last 12 years and have experienced some incredible healing before.

My sessions with Shelly have been so unique and profound that I have grown extremely rapidly in a short period of time. I am in awe because I have never experienced anything like this on so many levels.

Shelly has an incredible gift, and I would recommend her to anyone serious about moving forward with their life and letting go of anything that is no longer serving you. You are an angel!


– Steve Hopkins, March 2016

“Dear Shelly,

I feel like I’ve been born again, not in an evangelical way but like my soul is more dominant rather than my ego, not needing to swear or get wasted, I am addiction free which was a huge goal of mine, the deep deep anger has gone.

I gave a serpent like creature to the holy man when he was healing me, I drew a picture of it and tore it to pieces and threw it away. My fear was of the serpent that was in me, It’s tail wrapped around the base of my spine and its face and big teeth sat on the left side of my head it would terrorize me and scare me, might sound mad, but that’s what I saw and felt.

I have made progress towards the stressors of my day, I can let it go and trust more, the unbearable boredom is gone, and I have a healthy detachment toward others. I pray God lets me serve him more; I have a strong desire to be closer to God, to truly come from peace, love and gratitude all the time.

I am grateful for the peace I now have, I thought it would go away, but it’s part of me now as a direct result of my experience in Bali.

Please offer my regards to your Bali team, especially the beautiful cleaning lady who showed me gratitude.

You and your work are important.”

– Alba, September 2014

“I came to the retreat because my marriage had stalled and I had a “young” broken heart. I was traveling through my life in top gear, speeding past moments that needed time to take in, but they were just a blur. Brick walls were built to shield the pain.

Shelly and her team of beautiful souls at Pondok Nino gave me a sanctuary where I could “turn the car off”, rest, refuel and rebuild.

From my time here, life is changing, not just for me, but for my family (wife and 3 children). Shelly through the “journey” she takes you on, opened my eyes but especially my heart to the inner peace that is a right for everyone to have. My love for myself has returned and I have made “peace from my past”.

I have gained another family from Shelly and her team, but also another brother and sister in the two others that I took my “journey” with. Thanks to them also for being there when I needed support throughout the retreat.

The ambiance and tranquility of Pondok Nino is the perfect surrounds to go on the journey of a life time.”

– Adrian Shepherd, April 2014

“Some things are hard to put into words…… and this is one of them.

In my heart, I was asking for “change” and on Shelly’s suggestion I experienced her retreat – I knew this was the time and the way to do it. Although fear (ego) set in – I walked through it, trusting and knowing I would be safe and guided and find love at the end of it and this came to pass!

Another healthier, happier chapter begins in my life as I have peeled off more layers of energy/patterning that no longer serves me.

If you are fearful, lonely, feeling anxious, searching for peace of mind or in any kind of pain, then follow your heart’s calling and have an experience that will truly bring about permanent deep transformation.

It is a privilege and blessing to know Shelly and experience her amazing gifts.”

– Susan, January 2014

“Shelly Towns’ work room does not have designer furniture, cushions, objects or works of art; it is not air conditioned; and the dreaded roller lurks against the wall… and yet I love this place. It is sacred and it is safe. It is a place of sanctuary and discovery, a place where I come home to me. And while I am there, this room is mine. There are no expectations on me to be one way or another. Whatever I do or say, I am met with the constancy of Shelly’s love, her extraordinary capacity to perform the work she does, and always an acceptance of whichever part of me shows up on the day.

Sessions with Shelly are an invitation to do my work, to see things differently, to understand more fully, to heal, and to love. It is up to me which invitations I accept and how much I am willing to participate. And wherever I am willing to go, Shelly unflinchingly goes with me.

So precious is this place and this woman, so vital is this time and this work for my healing and understanding, for my spirit and my sanity, that I do not think of it in terms of any cost or inconvenience or hardship. It is simply a must in my life. I would unhesitatingly get myself there were I ever in need – no matter from where, no matter how much it cost. I know the feeling of the love and the healing, and of coming ever closer to the truth of who I really am, in every cell of my being.

Shelly’s calm certainty and the space she makes for me in her heart, as well as her room, have made it possible to deal with crises in my life in ways which have caused no harm to myself or others, and which have left me with a much more open heart, and a lot less emotional pain.

The most profound gift of working with Shelly is knowing that I am the mistress of creating safe and sacred space for myself and others. To speak my truth and keep my heart open is my purpose – whatever, whenever, whoever. Thank you, room! Thank you, Shelly!”

– Kerry Nazzari, June 2013

“My healing with Shelly took me on a journey of self realisation. When she asked what problems i thought were affecting me, i mentioned my ancestral wounds that i had discovered through Shamanic work. Shelly explained these can be healed by ourselves in the present moment, as that is the ultimate point in our lives where transformation can take place. This allowed me to look at how i had been affected by this and come to a point of ownership with everything, after understanding how i got there.

I did not feel grounded as a child, and so felt like i did not belong. This brought shame along with not being good enough, when in reality life is a true miracle. By us even being born, we are more than deserving of a place on Earth, along with all the other beings. Shame breeds addiction along with perfection, workaholics, avoidance, etc. These form a tormenting circle, with one feeding the other.

This affected the 3 lower chakras and my throat, so it was time to shift some blockages. As i lay down, we prepared to move the energy. First i would lie on my back and ground my feet and palms on the floor, these are the points in which the stuck energy travels out.

I then did some leg movements, bringing down my knees together to form a circuit then back down to the floor. Afterwards i moved my pelvis up and down to awaken the areas that reflected my suppression as a child. As i breathed out i let out any vocal noises that came up. We continued this for some time as the heat in my face built up, i could feel the shift. Peace came at the end and Shelly handed me over to my guides as they come in to assist and praise the work achieved.

Shelly’s healing was most welcoming and brought out some things that i had not picked up on. She is an amazing down to earth lady. People need honesty to be able to recognize and own their stuff and move on.

A lot has broken down materialistically this week, building up to and during, flights and holidays cancelled, fridge broke, wall leaking, van needs to go, (I keep dreaming of fixing plumbing), it’s like everything’s purging.. I can definitely see a pattern!!!

Thank you to both Shelly and Kerry for providing an amazing experience.”

– Chris, 3/11/2020

“Yesterday’s first ever session went really well, and i actually feel like a huge load has been lifted from me.

After the appointment with Shelly, i felt somewhat lightened. I was drained and tired, but so much more relaxed than usual.

I spent the rest of the day resting and had an early night, and for once in a long time i woke up feeling optimistic about the future.

I would certainly recommend this to friends of mine who have also had difficult circumstances to deal with throughout their lives.

Please pass on my best wishes and thanks to Shelly. I was uncertain about the unknown of the session, but i truly feel better for it.

I will be in touch soon, no doubt for a further session.

Kind regards

– Leanne, 06/05/21

“I have done two sessions with Shelly, one was my private session and the 2nd was a group session.

Both sessions have transformed me. I can not explain Shelly’s method of healing, but i can only highly recommend it for anyone willing to finally let go of deep present and past life traumas, to give it a go.

Thank you Shelly, you are a blessing.”

– Anup, 22/06/21

“All my life I’ve had digestive issues. In fact all my friends knew about it, it plagued my life and was a continuous source of pain in my life. I have spent years and countless dollars trying to fix my body.

My stomach issues have always been the huge question mark in my life and the ongoing pain of it all triggered and elicited so many other emotions of helplessness, insecurity and loads of uncertainty.

Then I met Shelly. After working with Shelly only twice, my digestive system is completely healed.

I was dependent on probiotics to be healthy.

I realized a whole week had passed and I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO TAKE MY PROBIOTICS!!

This would’ve been a huge no no in the past as my body would’ve screamed at me, “Give me those damn pills!”

But I didn’t need them… my body was perfectly and beautifully performing on its own.

Shelly also intuitively felt I needed more coconuts in my diet, so I’ve been taking a coconut powder daily here in Bali.

To have this is such a huge gift… they say the stomach is the second brain… I’m so eternally grateful that this very important part of my body is now flowing with grace and ease.

Shelly you are a gift to this world and a safe place for the heart. Love you very much.”

– Arica, 02/04/2020

“I was part of a learning group with a mediumship circle when Energetic Freedom came up, a friend from the circle had tagged me in a FB post advertising the monthly Bali Retreat – I googled, read a little, spoke to my friend who had seen Shelly previously before booking a private session with Shelly & also a spot on the retreat.

I went into this with no expectations, no clue of what to except, no knowledge of how Shelly operated.

The private session with Shelly was a week before I flew to Bali for The Bali Retreat. I met Shelly & felt an instant bond, I got good vibes off of her 💕. We sat & chatted for a few minutes before the healing, it was intense, but afterwards I felt like a huge internal weight was gone, I was emotionally drained but felt fantastic & was excited to be heading to Bali.

The Bali Retreat I attended with my close friend, as chance would have it Linda & I were the only two booked in – obviously meant to be that way.

It was fantastic to be greeted by Shelly & her wonderful staff on our arrival in Bali. The week we spent together was nothing short of amazing, our daily healings, sessions with Shelly, our massages, surf lessons were all balanced to work to cleanse our souls.

Then we had the Besakih Temple Day – What a magical place that is. The energy that surrounds & is within the temple is beautiful. We received blessings while in the temple & healings from the Mangku & Shelly while they worked together.

An exhausting wonderful week, learning so much, letting go of so much that I was holding in.

The things I learnt I try to continually use in my life everyday…..I’ve booked for my next retreat & would highly recommend Shelly & her fabulous team 💜💙”

– Tash, 10/02/2020

“When I first thought about taking part in the temple tour I honestly didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t have anything particularly on my mind beforehand but felt it would be good for my body and mind to experience. When speaking to Kerry beforehand I was intrigued to see how the day would really effect me….

Well, what can I say, it was truly an experience!

During the day I felt nothing but warmness, love and support from everyone. My healing has left my body and mind clear, relaxed and released from any tension I was holding within. I had previously thought I’d find it hard to relax and really let go, especially as this was a group exercise, and my partner was present. But with help and guidance from Shelley and the Mangku I was able to truly release and let go!

I would highly suggest taking part in the energetic freedom experience, to anyone who wants to get in touch with themselves or just experience what it’s really like to feel at peace.

I just want to thank everyone who helped me along the way… Kerry, Shelly, Marco, Joel, and of course the Mangku for such a beautiful and rejuvenating day!

I wish you all the best, Holly x”

– Holly, 18/03/2020

“Wow, I feel amazing.

The session with Shelly was intense and difficult, but never scary. Towards the end of the session the feeling of euphoria was incredible and so unexpected.

The energy continued all night, my son was sleeping with me and I felt I was sharing the healing with him. The euphoria continued all night.

My spirit guide Nan joined us and I could see her unconditional love surrounding his sleeping body. Knowing we have her, knowing she can be there for us is beyond words.

Thank you for giving me this gift.”

– Alison, November 2019

“The session was powerful and I slept 10 hours last night afterwards.

This morning I woke up feeling so amazing, refreshed and energized.

I feel like I’m learning how to walk again, like the little mermaid who just sprouted her legs or a baby fawn learning to walk.

I feel light and curious like a child.

I feel so much joy, I feel connected to God and my guides like never before.

My physical and emotional body experienced a deep excavation of the traumas and pain that were stuck in my body and causing suffering.

I’m so grateful for the experience it was profound.


– Simone, September 2019

“I want to thank Shelly from the bottom of my heart for the life changing experience I had in my session with her.

I released many deep seated negative emotions, and now feel so much lighter knowing that I no longer have to carry those burdens.”

– Stephanie, September 2019

“Wow, what a journey I have been on with Shelly. The first words that come to mind are exorcism and transformation. And this isn’t to scare people, but is an effort to acknowledge the intensity of Shelly’s work. Shelly forces and brings out the darkness of the pain we are holding within. She is able to physically bring it out of our energetic system, physical body, and emotional self.

I have had many, many healings over the past few years with Shelly and each time it is totally different. My first healing was when I was 20 years old and during this I was able to release so much pain and come to peace with my ex partner who had passed away, feel his presence, really face the pain I had been running from, and truly let go. I released the pain of my childhood, shame, hate and guilt.

In my continuing healing, I have worked through my most recent ex passing away – something which was so brutal on me and really shifted me into another level of expansion. Shelly helped me free myself from dark pain and come to light and forgiveness. She helped me take my power back from when I had it stolen through rape, and made it possible for me to see the guilt and shame I had actually been holding against myself.

I could go on and on, but overall, I can only say follow your calling and book with Shelly, her work is life-changing. Without Shelly, I wouldn’t be the woman, healing practitioner, girlfriend, daughter, and friend I am today. Love you, Shelly, thank you!”

– CE, April 2019

“I will be forever grateful to Shelly for the amazing work that she does and the impact she has on people. I can’t adequately put into words what Shelly has done for me!

I have had a few sessions with Shelly and decided to go on a retreat. This was the most rewarding and extraordinary experience I have ever done.

Thank you will never be enough as Shelly is truly such a special person. I am very lucky to have found her.”

– SW, October 2018

“It’s hard to put into words my healing session that I had with Shelly,

I was told about her amazing work through a friend of mine last year when I was in Bali, but didn’t get time to see her.

This time though my trip to Bali was unplanned, but I knew it was for a reason. I was reminded again about Shelly and her work, and with an instant I felt a pull to go and see her, and how glad I am that I did.

From our first encounter Shelly was nothing but welcoming and compassionate, she made me feel comfortable and at home when entering her villa. The space In which she works from makes you feel safe and free to express what ever it is you are feeling called to say.

I had been on a journey of healing for quiet a while but never have I experienced an energetic shift like this. The word that sums it up Is FREE. I finally felt free from so many past wounds I had been carrying around, all the blocked stagnant energy now released. I felt light, clear and most importantly happy.

Things have been flowing so effortlessly since, and I’m hoping to be able to get to a retreat soon. I can’t express my gratitude enough to what Shelly did for me. Thank you so much Shelly.”

– WG, April 2018

“I had the most amazing retreat and I feel reborn! I feel lighter, even though I ate so much! The cook, Ibu Jero made such scrumptious meals.

I can feeeeeeel the energy now and when I meditate I see colours. My intuition is stronger too. The timing was perfect for me and everything just seemed to fall into place. Yes, it was hard work but sooooo worthwhile.

I am truly grateful for Shelly and her gifts of healing and the ability to see where our blocks are.

I plan to do another retreat next year as I know I will go further/deeper.

Thanks to everyone involved at energetic freedom.”

– D.E, September 2017

“I’ve been on two of Shelly’s retreats and never thought I would attend more than one.

My experience on the first retreat was so amazing and mind blowing that I knew I had to go back. I’ve just returned from my second retreat and now I’m considering a third! They continue to get better for me.

Shelly is a beautiful, loving lady with a special gift. The environment you’re in at the villa feels safe and comfortable, enabling participants to be really open. Her staff understand the process and are warm and supportive.
If you’ve ever considered doing a retreat but something has held you back, I say do it! Trust Shelly and the process – I couldn’t recommend it more highly!”

– Kirsty, April 2017

“There are these moments, in everyone’s life that longs for a deeper connection within themselves, whether it is more joy, more love, more peace, more bliss. These moments sometimes come as a crisis, sometimes as a gentle whisper from the soul, sometimes from being in a sad or difficult place, sometimes by pure fate or a push from their loved ones leading them there. Whatever the reason that has brought you to the journey of finding yourself, once embarked, living in your authentic self is the reward.

I came to the retreat not knowing what would come of it, all I knew was I had a pull to go. I was welcomed into the most tranquil villa, so spacious, so beautiful, so peaceful, so sacred. I immediately felt safe. The staff greet you every morning with such joy and warmth. Shelly, fully gives everything she has to you in your group sessions with her. She is 100% committed to your journey and if you surrender to the process you can be assured she pulls you out the other side, and the other side is so beautiful.

The inner peace that came from this retreat for me is priceless. I am so greatful for the retreat that energetically freed me from the chaos that was going on inside.

My experience was so unique and so magical, I will cherish it forever. For this was the time in my life where I came home to myself, I found myself and I loved it. What greater gift can one be led to? Bliss.”

– Anonymous, March 2017

“I went into the retreat not knowing really what to expect. I had had numerous sessions with Shelley before, but I quickly realised that I was going to experience a lot more at the retreat.

It was the first time that I had gone beyond the confines of a one on one session to a group environment, and I quickly learnt how I had been defending myself during these one on one sessions.

To work with other people and share the experience together provided a great insight into my own process, what was limiting me and what I could do to immerse myself more fully.

I was astounded at the deep levels that others quickly went to, and in time I experienced my own new levels. I discovered aspects of myself that I had never even been aware of before, and I doubt I could have achieved without guidance and help.

I now share a connection with the other participants of an experience that is difficult to explain, profound and lasting. To experience the broken parts of yourselves and others, stand together and work through to the other side leaves you in awe at the potential within those around you and within yourself.

The program was a great mix of work, fun and time for relaxation and contemplation. It was not rushed although elements of it were intense. I didn’t leave the retreat fixed. I still have a lot of work to do, but I have strong sense of knowing and an underlying calm that seems impartial to the turmoil of everyday life.

It is difficult to explain to people what happened, I think that only those who were there could fully appreciate it, but I do know that I am very glad I went and I would go again.

For anyone that is considering the retreat but has been on the fence, I would say take the plunge, have the courage to immerse yourself in the process and trust in the outcome.

As I walked down from the final session at the temple I recall saying “I think the universe just shifted” and so it was that things would never be quite as they were again.”

– Anonymous, January 2017

“I have attended a lot of temple tours, yet the September temple tour 2016 was my absolute favourite so far.

Such beautiful people to be sharing it with, and such powerful healings for us all.

Shelly Towns you are our angel. You have the most pure heart of anyone I know and I am sooo grateful to you for continuously bringing me back to my heart and bringing me back to my truth. My life has changed so much since I started doing healing work with you, and even through the hardest bits I wouldn’t change one single bit, I never ever thought true inner peace existed, but it does and now I am living it.

Thank you for holding me when I needed nurturing, and kicking my butt when my ego needed it, and for loving me through it all. You are one incredibly amazing Soul who I am so grateful to have found. I love you lots xxx”

– K, September 2016

“The first retreat I did with Shelly was about 4 years ago and was based in the hotel Paradiso in Kuta. I remember being concerned with the cost of the retreat and it being value for money, I had never spent that kind of money on myself. The retreat itself was transformational, and just after it my current partner showed up.

I have now done two more retreats, and think that I am worth spending that much money on and so are the retreats.

The format has evolved, the retreats are now held at a private villa in Canggu and Shelly continues to grow as an intuitive healer. She is very present, supportive and instrumental in my growth and evolution as I journey through life.

The temple day with Mangku Jati is very special. It was interesting to learn that the Hindu temple design was set out representing the chakras and for me then understanding the interconnectedness of energy and spirit work that bypasses cultures. I also love the yoga each morning.

The retreats with Shelly are awesome.”

– J, August 2016

“First of all THANK YOU!

The healing session that I had with you was intensely amazing on many levels.

It is hard to explain all of the emotions felt in that hour, but I knew it was very well guided and trusted you from the first moment.

It took me back to those moments where my old beliefs were created.

The pain, the negativity, the shame, the guilt etc were expressed for the very first time after many years.

During I felt a release, a healing energy and freedom.

Afterwards I went to the beach, sat on the sand and enjoyed the beautiful nature.

I was really exhausted and I had a sleep.

When I was going to sleep, I still felt all the energy moving in my body. Incredible!

I now feel more at peace, my back is relaxed, which is strange for me, as it was always up in knots.

Even my throat is less tight.

Thank you in all my heart, you are an incredible Healer!”

– VS, April 2016

“I am a woman of 66 years. I have just returned from an Energetic Freedom Retreat in Bali conducted by Shelly Towns.

Shelly runs a totally professional and well structured programme. From day off arrival to the close of the programme everything flows perfectly.

You can see that Shelly has given great thought to how each day should compliment the previous.

Shelly Thank-you.

I would recommend this Retreat to anyone Man or Woman.

Life’s an Adventure – Come on – Be in it!! – Get your Life back!”

– K.P., March 2016

“I just wanted to say a huge thank you to Shelly for all of your help and healing support during my retreat in July 2014.

The experience was perfect in every way. I am so very grateful to have met you last September and that the Universe supported us coming together again.

I feel different in a really amazing way, and am finding little adjustments in my life which help enable me to continue to support the positive changes from the emotional layers released. A couple of obvious ways it has presented itself in my life back home is a change in my addictive behaviors … I had fallen into a habit of drinking a glass or two of wine most nights and was smoking on and off (mostly on!). Since returning from the retreat, I have replaced my wine with lemon in warm water and no craving (mental, emotional or physical) for cigarettes. I think, for me, there is a deeper sense of love for myself in some way.

I am also feeling that ‘big love’ is mine. That my true love is looking for me and will present himself in a lovely and surprising way which warms my heart!

Meanwhile, on my work front, I am gaining more and more courage every day to take the leap of faith and create a new program and role for myself, which I believe contributes to the value and authentic connection people feel in their work systems.

Every day on the retreat, following our healing sessions and before I went to sleep at night, I was overwhelmed with a feeling of how lucky I was to be in that space. So very lucky to have had the healing experiences and be surrounded by the care of yourself and all of your beautiful team who have added such a very special part to my story.

Thank you so very much and much love to you all. I hope you are smiling in life and love.”

– Veronica , July 2014

“If you are already reading this testimonial trust that you are heading in the right direction.

Fear not, for any hesitation, concerns, worries or fears you may feel around booking or not booking a retreat- that’s just your ego trying to control you – again. You are in safe hands with our Shelly and her beautiful family in Bali.

Words can’t really describe for me the feeling of peace and playfulness and love that is guiding me now – and which will continue to do so. I’m 38 years old, a single mum with a beautiful little girl and many friends and family who love us all no matter where life leads us. But I didn’t feel the same way about me – It’s easy to say love yourself first and then love others – but at the end of the day I just didn’t have the energy or concern for me.

This retreat has brought me home – I feel happy, peaceful and clear. It’s from this place of love for myself, I have promised to live out my days.

Thank you Shelly, and your beautiful family.

My life is changed forever –

Our lives are changed forever.”

– Kate, January 2014

“When I went to Besakih temple to meditate with a small group of people and Shelly, it was an experience I will never forget.

We meditated with the Mangku on different levels of the temple corresponding to the bodies chakras. On different levels I could feel intense warmth in my body area corresponding to the level that we meditated.

After our last meditation on the top level, Shelly touched my forehead and back whilst the Mangku squeezed one of my toes. Instantly a great energy began In my body, starting in my core and it spread until my whole body began to shake. This was not an unpleasant experience and when the Mangku touched my toes again, it happened for the second time. When this finished, I experienced the most peaceful feeling in my life. I felt so much a part of nature, and also felt as if I could float away to the clouds. The Mangku explained that because my chakras were clear that the earths energy was flowing through my body.

I would recommend doing this with Shelly to receive the gift of a greater understanding of ourselves and meditation.”

– Donna, July 2013

“I was given the opportunity to go to a Bali retreat in October I didn’t know what to expect, I’ve been to a number of retreats & workshops in the past, but never in Bali.

I was excited about going, and then my resistance came in and I started thinking & questioning myself, I can’t afford it! Is it the right time for me? Maybe I should just hold off for now? Wow, what a mistake I nearly made.

I have known Shelly for about 15 years now & her work has always been amazing, but to experience all that she has to give in Bali & the gentle, nurturing way in which Shelly operates is experienced ten fold in the calm & spiritual hospitality that Bali is.

From the moment I was greeted by Shelly & her assistant, I was welcomed with open arms.

Thank you for putting the beat back into my heart & the rhythm in my soul & for the wonderful friendships I made while on the retreat.”

– Ryan, October 2012