β€œI had been looking for a good healer for a long time before I had my first session with Shelly. ByΒ  ‘good’, I mean someone who could help me heal for real. I wasn’t interested in temporary shifts and changes. I was disappointed most of the time, as lots of healers didn’t live up to their promising words.

I wanted to wait before sharing my experience with Shelly, as I was curious to see if the changes I felt (beginning after our very first session) would stay. And they stayed, and have only become deeper.

I can’t describe with words how grateful I am to the work Shelly is doing. The transformation I feel is everything I’ve ever longed for.

It’s not for the faint hearted though, as you need a deep willingness to face all your β€œstuff”. Shelly isn’t doing that for you, but with you. The truth about yourself, the ugly and the beautiful, will be fully embraced, and therefore transformed.”